Friday 5 April 2013

I love You Stupid & My Precious IRIS


Lately, aku terbaca satu novel karya Melur Jelita titled is I love You Stupid. Now, penulis dh siap tulis sequel untuk novel ni title nyer My Precious Iris.. Bace sinopsis pun dh teruja.. karya Melur Jelita memang best dengan gaya penulisan yg catchy and ade lawak dalam penceritaan beliau...

Kat sini aku just nak kongsi aje siapa gambaran watak Firman yg dibayangkan si penulis novel ini. Current, she post the pic in her FB wall.. this is the pic..

And for your information, he is Thai actor. His name is Ananda Everingham ( Just check this link, and you alls may know his profile. 

Handsome guy untuk diberi gambaran watak FIRMAN... but utk gambaran siapa Iris saya x dpt cari lagi..kecuali yg satu tu, macam Heliza AF.. tp maybe saya silap.. xtau la siapa si gadis jelita itu..

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