Tuesday 19 February 2013

Feel Burden...


I got the phone call.. I don't know what to do.. layan..layan..layan..ok this is telemarketer for polisi insurans..but I hate it..I don't know how to reject..cuz, this is me.. I am A type person...I am a good listener but I am not hot temper.. And I dont know how to make people disappoint.. Ok now I get it the way to reject what people offered if we did not want it.. Just say U TAK NAK... HAHAHAHA

Then, ni lagi satu hal.. aku da bende nk wat tp aku tak tau nak wat ke tak..act bende tu sangat benefit la pada diri aku... but berat ati sangat nk teruskan...

Lagi 2 minggu.. lepas ni ape akan jadi..????

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